Online international collaborative learning between Brazilian and Argentine universities
implications for technological education
COIL, collaborative learning, technological teaching, teacher trainingResumo
Due to the constant technological advances experienced by humanity, diverse ways of teaching and learning have become possible through a wide variety of combinations, whether face-to-face or virtual. A very affordable alternative for students is Online Collaborative International Learning. This article presents implications for technological teaching and teacher training of the results of the collaborative online learning process (COIL) conducted between students and teachers at the Federal Universities of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and Fronteira Sul (UFFS) in Brazil and from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina. The methodology consisted of the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages of the process between Brazil and Argentina, conducted in May and July 2023. The results showed that a) there were a series of unexpected events that were considered a challenge to the planning and implementation of collaboration, requiring joint efforts from teachers and students, and b) the evaluation of the results achieved was considered positive about the structure, teachers, and students, despite some aspects have average evaluations, as was the case with language skills. The study concluded that this practice allowed all participants to come across different and more specific realities than those narrated in textbooks. These findings show that teacher training based on the mastery of technological tools, with collaborative work, can open new horizons for technological teaching and teacher training.
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Accepted 2024-01-24
Published 2024-01-25