The study of the point in a game

playfulness in teaching Descriptive Geometry




Descriptive geometry, Digital game, Game based learning


This article, motivated by the difficulty of high school students in understanding the contents of Descriptive Geometry, seeks to answer the following question: could a digital game for smartphones help in understanding the study of the point? As it is a content that serves as the basis for more abstract concepts of Descriptive Geometry, the difficulty in this content can generate gaps that will impact the following more complex theories. This work deals with the partial results of an ongoing master's research that aims to analyze how high school teachers perceive the relevance of a digital game for the study of the point. Thus, the guiding theories of game design are presented here, adopting the concepts of playfulness, game-based learning and meaningful and distracted learning. The concepts of the point study will be succinctly exposed so that the reader can then understand the context and dynamics of the game. In this case study, seven recent high school graduates from the institution that hosted the research were invited to evaluate “Frogo, the Point Study Game”. Thus, after enjoying the game, participants anonymously answered an electronic form with open and closed evaluative questions. The results obtained from this initial consultation indicate that Frogo can be a motivating digital pedagogical resource for digital native students with the potential to contribute to fun learning and serve as an incentive to the emergence of projects like this that aspire to a less traditional educational paradigm.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo da Silva, Colégio Pedro II

Specialist in Graphic Representation Techniques from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2015), with a degree in Artistic Education - Drawing from the same university (2005). Has experience in Education, as a teacher of Descriptive Geometry at Colégio Pedro II

Marcia Martins de Oliveira, Colégio Pedro II

Full Professor at the Computer Science Department at Colégio Pedro II. He holds a degree in Mathematics from the Pedro II Faculty of Humanities (1987), a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics from the Pedro II Humanities Faculty (1987), a Master's in Education from the Catholic University of Petrópolis (2000) and a Ph.D. in Information Science from the Federal University of Rio de January 2013). She is currently Dean of Graduate Studies, Research, Extension and Culture at Colégio Pedro II.


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How to Cite

RAFAEL DE SOUZA FERREIRA DA SILV, R. R. de S. F. da .; OLIVEIRA, M. M. de . The study of the point in a game: playfulness in teaching Descriptive Geometry. Educitec - Journal of Studies and Research on Technological Teaching , Manaus, Brasil, v. 8, n. :, p. e189822, 2022. DOI: 10.31417/educitec.v8.1898. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 may. 2024.