Robotics in school

promoting the logical reasoning and articulating technology in the basic education system by means of a lighting challenge




Educational Informatics, Educational Technology, Meaningful Learning


Technology is moving towards an increasingly marked insertion in the teaching and learning processes in schools. In view of the great technological advances in our society in recent years, there is a growing need to introduce said technology to children and adolescents by means of the school. One possibility of doing so is by means of educational robotics – an interdisciplinary tool that encourages the improvement of the logical-mathematical and problem-solving skills. However widespread it is, this possibility is not yet present in the daily lives of many students, since the difficulties presented in schools for obtaining resources are various and go beyond economic issues. When considering the impact that the educational robotics has on school daily life, the present study aimed to encourage the exercise of logical reasoning in students from public schools in the municipality of Casca/RS and region, by way of a robotics mini-course, based on a ludic and incremental didactic sequence of initial contents related to the logic of programming and robotics. In this way, complementary activities like this may contribute to the exercise of perseverance, creativity and innovation in the school daily life and streamline classroom practices, a point that allows the conclusion that practices like this positively influence on the student’s intellectual development and are important in order that the training of the basic education students is complemented in a way that is ludic, objective and consonant with the reality in which we live.


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How to Cite

BRANDÃO PASINATO, L.; SANDINI TRENTIN, M. A. Robotics in school: promoting the logical reasoning and articulating technology in the basic education system by means of a lighting challenge. Educitec - Journal of Studies and Research on Technological Teaching , Manaus, Brasil, v. 6, p. e094420, 2020. DOI: 10.31417/educitec.v6i.944. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 may. 2024.
Received 2019-10-18
Accepted 2020-05-05
Published 2020-06-05