Interactions with University Students participating in a Didactic Sequence set by Google Classroom® through Hybrid Teaching




Educational Technology, Virtual Classroom, Electronic Communication


This article presents an excerpt from the Master’s degree research developed in 2019, which addressed an experiment with students from the Administration course, in person, from a private university center in the north of Paraná. This text presents the interactions and the familiarization of the students with the use of the Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs), through hybrid teaching activities with the Google virtual platform, known as Google Classroom®. With the methodological guidance, we aim to present one of the activities that were applied by the developed Didactic Sequence, using the Hybrid Teaching methodology, which makes possible the use of digital technologies in classes when combining the elements of virtual education with the classroom teaching. As an instrument of Data collection, we applied questionnaires to identify the profile of the students and their interactions regarding the use of TDICs in class. As conclusion, we observed that the participants showed dexterity in the use of Google Classroom®, expressing approval regarding its applicability for educational purposes. Studies show that more and more universities are receiving an expressive number of students versed in the use of digital technologies, in general, students with aptitude in the handling of these resources, which has impacted on the teacher's work, since it is necessary to be prepared and trained to deal with such challenges that constantly reflects on the teaching practices.


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How to Cite

FERREIRA NOVAES, A.; HELENARA REGINA SAMPAIO FIGUEIREDO. Interactions with University Students participating in a Didactic Sequence set by Google Classroom® through Hybrid Teaching. Educitec - Journal of Studies and Research on Technological Teaching , Manaus, Brasil, v. 6, p. e125320, 2020. DOI: 10.31417/educitec.v6.1253. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 may. 2024.
Received 2020-04-11
Accepted 2020-11-13
Published 2020-11-18