Emergency Remote Education

impacts on the pedagogical practices during COVID-19





Education, Remote teaching, Pedagogical practice


This article addresses the teaching carried out by teachers in the state of Paraíba during the Covid-19 pandemic and aims to reflect on the impacts of Emergency Remote Education (ERE) on their pedagogical practices. It is a case study whose data were collected through a questionnaire prepared in Google Forms, which was applied through a link to one hundred and five teachers of different subjects who work in municipal, state or federal public and private schools, in high school and / or in the final years of elementary school. The collected data were analyzed in the light of a literature that explores the ERE and its implementation. The results obtained showed a diversity of practices carried out by means of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT), part of which is in line with the modus operandi of traditional education and part of which seeks to overcome it. Taken together, these practices can provide students with more autonomy, new forms of communication between educational actors and the acquisition of new learning about the pedagogical use of DICT with the potential to modify the teaching that succeeds the pandemic, when we return to the “new normal” of classroom teaching. 


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Author Biographies

Master Teacher Leandro Mário Lucas, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba(UEPB)

Master of Science Teaching and Mathematical Education (2018), linked to the Research Line Scientific Culture, Technology, Information and Communication, Specialist in Fundamentals of Education: Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Practices (2014), and Graduated in the Full Degree in Mathematics (2009) ), both courses held at the State University of Paraíba (UEPB). Basic education teacher at the Paraíba State Government.

Filomena Maria Gonçalves da Silva Cordeiro Moita, State University of Paraíba (UEPB)

PhD in Education, concentration area in Education Communication and Culture (UFPB), CAPES scholarship holder with sandwish doctorate at the University of Lisbon. Associate D, with aggregation at UEPB, teacher of the permanent staff of PPGECEM / UEPB. She is coordinator of the Research Group on Digital Technology and Knowledge Acquisition - TDAC.


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How to Cite

MÁRIO LUCAS, L.; MOITA, F. M. G. da S. C. Emergency Remote Education : impacts on the pedagogical practices during COVID-19 . Educitec - Journal of Studies and Research on Technological Teaching , Manaus, Brasil, v. 6, p. e143320, 2020. DOI: 10.31417/educitec.v6.1433. Disponível em: https://sistemascmc.ifam.edu.br/educitec/index.php/educitec/article/view/1433. Acesso em: 31 aug. 2024.
Received 2020-09-11
Accepted 2020-11-13
Published 2020-12-18