Interacting common knowledge with scientific knowledge through a study based on manufacturing bread


  • Filipe Antunes Da Silva Instituto Federal Catarinense - Câmpus Araquari
  • Anelise Grünfeld De Luca Instituto Federal Catarinense - Câmpus Araquari
  • Karine Arend



common knowledge, manufacturing bread, scientific knowledge


Scholastic curriculum mostly does not privilege and nor does it esteem knowledge that is not
validated by science. However, it perceives the importance of recovering popular knowledge
in the production of scientific knowledge. Different educators have emphasized the purpose
of the school is to also esteem common knowledge, local knowledge, from the surrounding
community where the school is inserted. This research work was the purpose of investigating
the usage of common knowledge relating to scientific knowledge through a study based on
bread manufacturing. The research work was based on the performance of experiments
applying bread manufacturing to base the production of chemical concepts, such as the
fermentation reaction and chemical kinetics. The usage of common knowledge demonstrated efficiency in the teaching and learning process, as the motivation in manufacturing bread and
thus the students felt as they were protagonists in this teaching, by observing chemistry in
their everyday life.


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How to Cite

DA SILVA, F. A.; DE LUCA, A. G.; AREND, K. Interacting common knowledge with scientific knowledge through a study based on manufacturing bread. Educitec - Journal of Studies and Research on Technological Teaching , Manaus, Brasil, v. 1, n. 01, p. e1620, 2015. DOI: 10.31417/educitec.v1i01.16. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.