Virtual reality and Education: A study on the Impact of Inserting the cardboard device in the classroom


  • Fabiann Matthaus Dantas Barbosa INSTITUTO FEDERAL DO AMAZONAS
  • Vitor Bremgartner da Frota INSTITUTO FEDERAL DO AMAZONAS
  • Priscila Silva Fernandes INSTITUTO FEDERAL DO AMAZONAS



Virtual reality, Cardboard, Education


Currently, technology is present in society and shows us different means of interaction. Virtual reality (VR) is one of these ways, so its application has brought new immersive experiences in different areas, such as education. Therefore, it is possible to observe that activities outside the classroom contribute to the formation of the student, through excursions that can provide experiences in environments that take knowledge in a practical way. With that, the Google company decided to explore the use of VR in educational institutions through the creation of the Cardboard Glasses device, so that students could visit different locations without leaving the classroom. Based on this principle, the motivation of this work is to help teachers of Geography and Science disciplines by applying the Cardboard tool and the Expeditions application as a methodological resource in the teaching-learning process of students in the 2nd, 6th and 9th years of elementary school in schools. municipalities, providing students with greater interaction and dynamism in the contents covered in these disciplines. The starting point consisted in the manufacture of eyeglasses, which from the original products were produced other molds through the collection of cardboard scraps. The research included collaborating high school students at IFAM Campus Lábrea, who received training in the application of the tool and had their smartphones available for use in the classroom. In total, 141 students were able to participate in the research and explore the contents covered in the classroom in an immersive and playful way.


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How to Cite

BARBOSA, F. M. D.; FROTA, V. B. da; FERNANDES, P. S.; XAVIER, N. B. Virtual reality and Education: A study on the Impact of Inserting the cardboard device in the classroom. Educitec - Journal of Studies and Research on Technological Teaching , Manaus, Brasil, v. 4, n. 09, 2018. DOI: 10.31417/educitec.v4i09.726. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 may. 2024.